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This API is stable.


Only features, scenarios and examples can be tagged. Steps cannot be tagged. An error is thrown if a tag is used incorrectly.

Tags allow you to control when hooks are applies, as well as which scenarios should be included or excluded in a test run.

Built-in tags

todo skips the tagged scenario so that it is not included in the test run. Use this when writing new specs.

skip does the same thing as todo. Use this to temporarily disable a test.

only skips all features and scenarios that are not tagged with only. Use this to isolate a test when building or a debugging a feature.

Tagged hooks

Tags can be used to filter the scope of scenario and step hooks. For example, given the following hook:

import { beforeScenario, getTags, eq } from '@antischematic/leftest'

const { matchScreenshot } = getTags()

beforeScenario(eq(matchScreenshot), () => {
// screenshot implementation

Now the hook will only run on scenarios tagged with matchScreenshot.

import { getTags, feature, scenario } from '@antischematic/leftest'
import { createTestSuite } from "./core"
import steps from "./steps"

const { when, then } = createTestSuite(steps)
const { matchScreenshot } = getTags()

feature('Guess the word', () => {
scenario('Maker starts a game', () => {
when('the Maker starts a game')
then('the Maker waits for a Breaker to join')

feature('Cucumbers', () => {

Tag matchers

Complex expressions for tagged hooks are supported using the following tag matchers:

eq Matches when the scenario is tagged with the given tag

not Matches when the scenario is not tagged with the given tag

and Matches when both sub-expressions are matched

or Matches when either sub-expression is matched

import { eq, not, and, beforeScenario, getTags } from '@antischematic/leftest'

const { mobile, iphone } = getTags()

beforeScenario(and(eq(mobile), not(iphone)), () => {
console.log('only mobiles that are not iphone')

Include or exclude tests

This feature is test framework specific, refer to the documentation for each adapter.